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5th C-HPP Consortium Workshop - The Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project
13-09-16 15:37
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5th C-HPP Consortium Workshop
The Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project
(April 8, 2012 version, subjected to change without notice)
  • Date: Saturday, May 5, 2012, 10:00-17:00
  • Venue: China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
  • Organized by Young-Ki Paik, Bill Hancock and György Marko-Varga
  • Hosted by Fuchu He, Beijing Proteome Research Center, Beijing, China
  • Theme:”Setting out the standard guidelines and the milestones for the C-HPP”
  • Goals: Completion of the organization and working formats for the C-HPP
10:00-10:05 Greetings from the Local Host: Fuchu He, BPRC, China
10:05-10:20 Strategic Directions for the C-HPP as Part of the Overall Human Proteome Project (HPP)
Gil Omenn, Chair of HPP Consortium
Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
10:20-10:30 Update on the progress of the C-HPP Consortium
Young-Ki Paik, Chair of C-HPP Consortium
10:30-11:00 Genetic variants from next generation, whole genome DNA sequencing
datasets: A 1000 Genomes Perspective
Charles Lee, Harvard Medical School, Co-Chair of 1000 Genome Project
11:00-12:30 Key issues on the execution of the C-HPP guidelines (e.g., Bioinformatics)
Co-Chaired by William S. Hancock, Gil Omenn and Pierre Legrain
  • Completion of the Structure (Committees, WG etc)
  • Data Management (to address the questions how the data generated in the specific chromosome projects will be transferred to the three pillar databases, what quality criteria should be applied etc.)-see also JPR guideline paper re data management
  • General Experimental Procedures
  • Resources: Abs and Reagents (Eduardo Nice and more)
  • Bioinformatics and Web Portal (Seul-Ki Jeong, Robert J. A. Goode,, more)
  • Coordination with B/D-HPP, HPP Resource Pillars, and Other HUPO initiatives (HAI, PSI etc)
12:30-14:00 Luncheon Symposium
12:50-14:30 Progress report on each chromosome team

Part I: Chair, György Marko-Varga
Co-Chair of C-HPP Consortium
Chr 1 (China) CAPE (Chromosome-Assembled Proteome Encyclopedia) and its highlight with chromosomes 1 and 8
Fuchu He, BPRC, Beijing, China
Chr 2 (Switzerland) Pierre-Alain Binz, SIB, Geneva, Switzerland
Chr 3 (Japan) Chromome 3 and The Disease-Related Proteins Discovered Using Laser-Microdissected (LMD) Lung-Carcinoma FFPE tissues
Toshihide Nishimura/Hiromasa Tojo/Kazuyuki Nakamura Tokyo Medical Univ., Tokyo, Japan
Chr 7 (ANZ) Down Under Chromosome 7
by Mark Baker, Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA and Bill Jordan, Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand

Part II: Chair, Pierre Legrain, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Chr 11 (Korea) Human Proteome Project for Chromosome 11 in Human Brain Tissue
Jong Shin Yoo, KBSI, Daejon, Korea
Chr 12 (Thailand) Introduction of Chromosome 12 Initiative
Visith Thongboonkerd Bangkok, Mahidol University, Bankok, Thailand
Chr 13 (Korea) Progress on Chr 13 HPP
Young-Ki Paik, YPRC, Seoul, Korea
Chr 16 (Spain) Spanish HPP Consortium: Current Developments on the Characterization of the Proteins Encoded by the Chromosome 16
Juan Pablo Albar, Madrid, Spain
Chr 17 (USA) Bill Hancock, Northeastern Univ., Boston, USA

Part III: Chair, Fuchu He, BPRC, Beijing, China
Chr-18 (Russia) Proteome of 18th chromosome in plasma, liver and HepG2 cells investigated by SRM/MRMs
Alexander Archakov, RAMS, Moscow, Russia
Chr-19 (Sweden) Progress Report from Chromosome 19
György Marko-Varga, Lund Univ., Lund, Sweden
Chr-X (Japan) Japan chromosome X Project (JCXP) Consortium: To Do and Done
Tadashi Yamamoto, Niigata Univ., Niigata, Japan
Chr-Y (Iran) Human Y Chromosome Proteome Project: a Genomics and Proteomics Perspective
Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh, Royan Inst., Tehran, Iran

(Only three teams of Chr 6, 14, 21 will be missing from this workshop)
14:30-14:50 Coffee Break
14:50-15:30 Funding issues: by György Marko-Varga and Pierre Legrain
Grant Situation (any granting agency for C-HPP).
15:30-16:40 Progress Reports and Publications: by Bill Hancock and Young-Ki Paik
  • Progress Report Forms (standard form) (To be distributed later)
  • Special Issue Publication: Jan 2013 Issue of JPR:
  • General guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission
  • Deadline of Submission: Sept 30, 2012
16:40-17:00 Upcoming Boston Congress and Strategy for Session Organization
G. Omenn, Y.K. Paik and W.H. Hancock

Inquiry: For Logistics and Travel Arrangement, Contact: Dr. Ping Xu, xupingghy@gmail.com
For Programs and Presentations, Contact: Prof. Young-Ki Paik, paikyk@gmail.com